All posts tagged branding

B2B Marketing

Branding Drives Lead Generation in B2B More Than You Think

Brands are intangible, yet absolutely essential to how we experience not only the product but the transaction. Your brand is a calling card, shaping how your prospects feel about your company before your sales team ever calls.

B2B Marketing

Brand Building in a Shifting World

Up until a few years ago, companies were hesitant to put down money in a medium that had yet to prove itself.

Fast forward to 10 years ago, and social networking has completely changed the way we do business. No more are we hesitant to pour money into newer marketing channels, because for one, the dollar amount is still generally more affordable than traditional media ever was and two, in almost all instances, social media has proved to be an excellent marketing tool.

B2B Marketing

How to use Email Signatures Effectively in 7 Easy Steps

Handwriting experts would tell you that a person’s signature speaks volumes about who they are and indeed, even what they do. In today’s electronic world, we rarely get to see […]

B2B Marketing

5 Ways to fix Your Ailing Brand

Is your brand sick and losing life? Can you save it, or will you have to bury it and move on? We hope it’s not the latter. Creating a brand is so much harder than fixing one. But if you look at examples throughout history, you may be surprised to find that even the big players have had ailing brands that needed to be repaired.