B2B Marketing

7 Easy Ways to Get Fans to Share Your Content

B2B Marketing by Julie Bevacqua

Your fans, they could be your customers or admirers, are a great source of support and encouragement. They might comment on your blog posts, ‘like’ your facebook links, and chat with you via twitter. But the question is how do you get them to share your content with others?

Relying on a fan to pass on the message does not always work, for the simple reason your content is competing with thousands of blog posts, online advertisements, news articles, photos, and videos. In order for a fan to turn evangelist and spread the ‘good word’, they sometimes need to be encouraged or nudged in the right direction.

Here are 7 ways to get your fans to share your content:

1. Update constantly: Fans can be fickle and unless you provide them with fresh, new insight on a regular basis, they will be happy to switch to someone who does. Keep your content updated and captivating, by writing blogs, creating slideshows and videos, interviewing others in your field, and analyzing new thoughts and trends.

2. Be innovative: Your content is often a reflection of who you are and what you do, but savvy marketers know that it’s not enough to follow the pack. Your offering must be exclusive or worth the attention, such as the one created by Yucatan Holidays, which broadcasts great rates for their facebook followers. You could also stand out by being controversial, making a free offer, or by coming up with a new take on old topics. Make it easier for your customers to use your products, like Digcel who allow their customers to top up their phones via facebook. But know your fans well (through thorough research) before you embark on a marketing campaign.

3. Transfer power to them: One of the first things marketers do is integrate social media into their marketing plan. When you provide your audience with a host of options – twitter, LinkedIn, facebook, blog comments, and YouTube – you effectively empower them with the means to share your message.

4. Use RSS feeds: This is often a marketer’s lucky card. By using RSS feeds, you enable your fans to get your latest updates directly onto their reader, where it keeps your content top of the mind, and allows them to share it immediately.

5. Introduce a ‘feel-good’ factor: People who feel good about themselves are more likely to help others by sharing their secrets. Similarly, if you appeal to the person’s inner goodness, you can also get him to pass on your message. Sometimes, companies can benefit through unintended viral incidences. An example is the recent facebook campaign, which saw women discussing the color of their bras in a bid to promote breast cancer. Who started it? No one is saying, but the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation is thrilled, as their fan base on facebook skyrocketed from 135 to 700 in a matter of hours after the campaign was launched.

6. Reward your superfans: You’ll always find that someone special who posts regular comments on your blog. Or who shares your tweets with friends and adds you to their favorite list. These are your superfans or evangelists, and they should be identified and rewarded periodically. A simple thank you often suffices, but if you are considering special offers such as discounts or freebies, you may want to add them to the top of your list.

7. Give them a reason to share: A perfect example of sharing that works is when you introduce an incentive program, such as the one Pampers did on its Facebook Page, where you shared the GTG Program and earned points for doing so.  Or the current campaign on Churp Churp, where you are rewarded each time you share your link on twitter or facebook, or email your friends about it.

Once you begin to share your content on a regular basis, don’t forget to track and measure it consistently. Doing so will let you know which of the tools you use work, and which need to be updated to suit your marketing needs.

photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc

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